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1. 7 down ions are released from here in response to the action potential travelling down 12 across 3. These are able to attach to actin once 4 across has moved away 4. This blocks binding sites on the actin when muscle is not contracting 5. Released from vesicles at the synaptic knob 8. Enzyme which hydrolyses 9 across 9. This binds to a myosin head to cause it to become detached from the actin filament 10. This unit becomes shorter as the muscle contracts 11. The ---------- of 9 across provides energy to return the myosin head to its original position 12. These are extensions of the muscle cell surface membrane and branch throughout the sarcoplasm
2. Can regenerate ATP from ADP and Pi 6. Formed when a myosin head binds to the actin filament 7. These ions diffuse into the synaptic knob when an action potential reaches a neuromuscular junction